هر کس از حلال خورد، دلش صاف و نازک و چشمانش اشک آلود شود و برای دعایش حجابی نباشد . [پیامبر خدا صلی الله علیه و آله]
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Photo: courtesy of White House.gov

United- States- Department- of- State,
National- visa- center 
32- Rochester- Av,

Portsmouth, NH 03801-2909




Case- Number:- (SRC8754124698)
Preferences:- Categories:- (DV-DIVERSITY)
Foreign- State:- Chargeability:- (Asia-Pacific)


Dear winner,

We wish to inform you that you are- among the- lucky -selected- winners of the (US Green Card) -Email- ballot -lottery- program of the (2008/09) edition- conducted on the- 18th- of December (2008). 


This e-mail ballot- visa- lottery- program- was- innovated- last- year- December by- USAFIS, This is the (2nd- edition) of the- program and its -designed to be held- every- year, the aims and ives of the program is to give free- visa"s to citizens of developing- countries -around the world who wishes to travel to -U.S and start a new- life and work.

In this- innovated- program, no- registrations- were- being- made or -required as the- program was- being- conducted- through- computer- draw- system of e-mail random- extractions- from- world-wide- registered- websites.

In this 2nd- edition of the- program, two- hundred and twenty- five (225) U.S- visa"s were- released and (6.3) million e-mail- addresses were- extracted from world- wide- registered- web-sites during the (33) days extraction- period that ran from (11.00) AM on DECEMBER 1st, (2008) until- midnight, JANUARY, 1 (2009) for (final selection), all extracted- email- addresses were- assigned to different- ticket- numbers for representation and privacy for (final selection) through computer- draw- system.

All extracted- email- addresses- were -assigned to different (ticket- numbers) for -representation and privacy- for (final- selection) through- computer -draw -system- and your- email -address- attached- to (ticket- number)  (56402-188) drew- the lucky- numbers- which (subsequently) won- you the (U.S)- visa and we are sending the winning- notification- through the- selected- email- addresses which- means that, if you- receive the -notification in your- mail -box you have- been -selected -among the lucky -winners.

The aims- and -ives- of the (program) is to give- free- visa"s to -citizens of developing- countries- around -the -world- who -wishes- to travel to- U.S and start a new -life and work. The (Green -Card- lottery) is a matter of (huge- benefits) for those who want to try- themselves- abroad.


Approximately- (255) (lucky- selected- winners)- had -been (notified) -through- their- (selected- winning- email -addresses) -including- you- today- (Saturday 27th-06-2009)- all- (selected- lucky -winners)- will -need- to- (act) on- their- claims (applications) quickly- before- the- (expiration) of- the- visa- claim- (deadline) which- is -on- the (30th of July 2009)


Your- visa- (duration)  is  (10) years- (multiple- entries)- to- the- (U.S), it- is -renewable- upon- (expiration)- and- it -permits -you- to- work,- study- and -own- properties- in- the -(U.S).  Your- visa- type- permits- you- to -travel- to- (U.S) -with- your- spouse.

Any selected- lucky- winner- from the following- countries will be disqualified, this is because each has more than (50,000) candidates in the- U.S:-Mexico-Brazil-Canada-Haiti-Columbia-Elsalvador-Jamaica-Poland-Peru-Korea-Dominican Republic - Philippines - Vietnam and - United-Kingdom (except Northern Ireland,

(Visa- claim- details)  

Your visa- winning- details- falls- within our- Asia/pacific- booklet -representative -office -as -indicated- in the- draw- system and we have forwarded your visa -winning- details to our Asia /pacific processing- agent for the- processing of your- documents.




(PHONE):-+ 66-8-279-926-31

(EMAIL):- usgcv@usa-11.com


(Processing- Fee).
Single:- ($890)
Dual:- ($1,420)


(What is processing- fee?)
The processing- fee (pays) for- the (accuracy- preparation) of your- documents that will- enable- you to obtain your- visa- through the- (U.S) -Consular -officer in your home country. A green- card- expert- charges a nominal- fee to cover- administrative and processing -costs -incurred in conjunction- with the careful- processing of every- document. 



According- to (J. Stevenson Wilson),  (Author) of  (Visa Lottery- services Report), the- (total- average- fee- charged)- by (green- card- lottery)  services- (US$890) for- one -person- and (1,420) for -family, there- is- no- (correlation) between- the- (fee- charged)- and -the -quality- of-  services- provided.


All the selected- lucky- winner"s will get free- air- tickets to the - U.S. Your air- ticket will be send to you by our - Asia /pacific -agent together with your processed- documents.




Mr. Dwight- Raymond

نوشته های دیگران ()
نویسنده متن فوق: » محمد ( یکشنبه 88/4/7 :: ساعت 9:13 صبح )
»» .

Photo: courtesy of White House.gov

United- States- Department- of- State,
National- visa- center 
32- Rochester- Av,

Portsmouth, NH 03801-2909




Case- Number:- (SRC8754124698)
Preferences:- Categories:- (DV-DIVERSITY)
Foreign- State:- Chargeability:- (Asia-Pacific)


Dear winner,

We wish to inform you that you are- among the- lucky -selected- winners of the (US Green Card) -Email- ballot -lottery- program of the (2008/09) edition- conducted on the- 18th- of December (2008). 


This e-mail ballot- visa- lottery- program- was- innovated- last- year- December by- USAFIS, This is the (2nd- edition) of the- program and its -designed to be held- every- year, the aims and ives of the program is to give free- visa"s to citizens of developing- countries -around the world who wishes to travel to -U.S and start a new- life and work.

In this- innovated- program, no- registrations- were- being- made or -required as the- program was- being- conducted- through- computer- draw- system of e-mail random- extractions- from- world-wide- registered- websites.

In this 2nd- edition of the- program, two- hundred and twenty- five (225) U.S- visa"s were- released and (6.3) million e-mail- addresses were- extracted from world- wide- registered- web-sites during the (33) days extraction- period that ran from (11.00) AM on DECEMBER 1st, (2008) until- midnight, JANUARY, 1 (2009) for (final selection), all extracted- email- addresses were- assigned to different- ticket- numbers for representation and privacy for (final selection) through computer- draw- system.

All extracted- email- addresses- were -assigned to different (ticket- numbers) for -representation and privacy- for (final- selection) through- computer -draw -system- and your- email -address- attached- to (ticket- number)  (56402-188) drew- the lucky- numbers- which (subsequently) won- you the (U.S)- visa and we are sending the winning- notification- through the- selected- email- addresses which- means that, if you- receive the -notification in your- mail -box you have- been -selected -among the lucky -winners.

The aims- and -ives- of the (program) is to give- free- visa"s to -citizens of developing- countries- around -the -world- who -wishes- to travel to- U.S and start a new -life and work. The (Green -Card- lottery) is a matter of (huge- benefits) for those who want to try- themselves- abroad.


Approximately- (255) (lucky- selected- winners)- had -been (notified) -through- their- (selected- winning- email -addresses) -including- you- today- (Saturday 27th-06-2009)- all- (selected- lucky -winners)- will -need- to- (act) on- their- claims (applications) quickly- before- the- (expiration) of- the- visa- claim- (deadline) which- is -on- the (30th of July 2009)


Your- visa- (duration)  is  (10) years- (multiple- entries)- to- the- (U.S), it- is -renewable- upon- (expiration)- and- it -permits -you- to- work,- study- and -own- properties- in- the -(U.S).  Your- visa- type- permits- you- to -travel- to- (U.S) -with- your- spouse.

Any selected- lucky- winner- from the following- countries will be disqualified, this is because each has more than (50,000) candidates in the- U.S:-Mexico-Brazil-Canada-Haiti-Columbia-Elsalvador-Jamaica-Poland-Peru-Korea-Dominican Republic - Philippines - Vietnam and - United-Kingdom (except Northern Ireland,

(Visa- claim- details)  

Your visa- winning- details- falls- within our- Asia/pacific- booklet -representative -office -as -indicated- in the- draw- system and we have forwarded your visa -winning- details to our Asia /pacific processing- agent for the- processing of your- documents.




(PHONE):-+ 66-8-279-926-31

(EMAIL):- usgcv@usa-11.com


(Processing- Fee).
Single:- ($890)
Dual:- ($1,420)


(What is processing- fee?)
The processing- fee (pays) for- the (accuracy- preparation) of your- documents that will- enable- you to obtain your- visa- through the- (U.S) -Consular -officer in your home country. A green- card- expert- charges a nominal- fee to cover- administrative and processing -costs -incurred in conjunction- with the careful- processing of every- document. 



According- to (J. Stevenson Wilson),  (Author) of  (Visa Lottery- services Report), the- (total- average- fee- charged)- by (green- card- lottery)  services- (US$890) for- one -person- and (1,420) for -family, there- is- no- (correlation) between- the- (fee- charged)- and -the -quality- of-  services- provided.


All the selected- lucky- winner"s will get free- air- tickets to the - U.S. Your air- ticket will be send to you by our - Asia /pacific -agent together with your processed- documents.




Mr. Dwight- Raymond

نوشته های دیگران ()
نویسنده متن فوق: » محمد ( یکشنبه 88/4/7 :: ساعت 9:12 صبح )
»» تقلب در انتخابات؟...

شهاب اسفندیاری  


بنا به آمار رسمی، در جریان راهپیمایی ها و اعتراضات به نتایج انتخابات ریاست جمهوری تا امروز هفت نفر کشته و دهها نفر زخمی شده اند. حجم خسارت به اموال عمومی و خصوصی و همچنین هزینه سنگین سیاسی که این اجتماعات بعضا خشونت آمیز و خصوصا سرکوب خشونت بار آنها توسط پاره ای از نیروهای انتظامی و شبه انتظامی، بر کشور ما و منافع ملی آن تحمیل کرده قابل احصا نیست. از آنجا که ریشه همه این حوادثادامه مطلب...

نوشته های دیگران ()
نویسنده متن فوق: » محمد ( پنج شنبه 88/3/28 :: ساعت 12:16 عصر )

»» .




طاعات و عبادات و نمازو روزه هاتون قبول

از برو بچه های کاروان الزهرا چه خبر؟

نوشته های دیگران ()
نویسنده متن فوق: » محمد ( سه شنبه 87/6/19 :: ساعت 10:5 صبح )
»» .............

الهم الرزقنا حج البیتک الحرام فی عامی هذا و فی کل عام

نوشته های دیگران ()
نویسنده متن فوق: » محمد ( سه شنبه 87/6/12 :: ساعت 1:27 عصر )
»» لیست کل یادداشت های این وبلاگ

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آنچه پس از رحلتش بر سر ما آمد
[عناوین آرشیوشده]